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Writer: Anastasia TylerAnastasia Tyler

All I wanted was to have a good time.

Wine, shots, friends, clubs. What’s so bad about enjoying life?

Well, it’s all fun and games until your current fuck boy finds out you’ve gone out without him.

One word of another man catching a glance of me, and he is tying me down to his bed, threatening to never let me step out of his sight again.

Tonight will definitely be one of those nights. I’ve been to at least three clubs before he found me. He pulled me out, took me away from my friends without me being able to say goodbye, and now I’m here. We're here, at his place, in his dungeon. Yeah, his sex dungeon is what it is.

There are toys, whips, ropes; everything you can imagine hanging on one side of the room. In the middle is a couch, suspended from the ceiling, but it has no back or armrests on it. There's a bed in the back, equipped with ropes and cuffs in all four corners...of course. On another wall, there is an X-shaped cross on display, chains hanging from each end of the polls with cuffs attached to that also.

If I wasn’t sure who the fuck this guy was, I would absolutely think he brought me here to torture and kill me.

I am dragged over to the bed. James looks at me. His eyes trail down my body and back up, and into my eyes. He is upset, his entire self is displeased with me tonight. I wore clothes that he would never let me out in public with. I look like a hooker. I'm wearing a low-cut, loose-flowing cocktail dress that cuts off just below my ass. My hair is pulled tight into a ponytail, sitting high on my head. I have my flats on though. I refuse to break my ankles drunk off my ass just to prove a point. But did I choose my outfit based on what he would like to see me in? Absolutely! Plus the repercussions will benefit both him and me.

He grabs my shoulders, and turns me around, ordering me to get on the bed and face the headboard on my knees. I slip out of my shoes and do as I’m told.

I lean against the headboard while I wait for my punishment. When I look around, I notice James is pulling rope down from the top corners of the bed frame. The ropes extend to the ceiling. They are on pullies, and the ropes drop back down, connecting somewhere on the back of the bed.

He is on my left side, grabs my right wrist, and ties the rope around it. He pulls the rope and my arm is lifted into the air, stretched up to the left side of the bed. I laughed, thinking he tied the wrong wrist to the wrong side of the bed. I want to say something smart, but then he comes to the other side of the bed, to my right side, grabs my left wrist, and ties it, pulling it into the air like my other arm. He then secures it to the right side of the bed. I take a deep breath, my head tilted back because my arms are crossed in front of me, hung in the air. I look back in forth anxious and nervous as fuck as to what his plans are. I'm not giggly anymore.

James hops onto the bed, kneeling behind me, hugging my waist from behind with something in his hand, and nestling his head into my neck. He kisses me, letting out a sigh, and speaks,

“Since you want to run around and see all of the city, I’ll help remind you that you’ll never be going out like this again. You can go out with me sweety, but it will be with me, and you won’t be wearing this.”

I smirk with a reply, “ Is it too much?”

Before I can laugh, his hand comes up to my mouth, shutting me up and holding something against it. He orders me to open my mouth as wide as I can. I feel tingling shivers shoot through my body from head to groin. I lean my head back further, giving myself up, and open my mouth with a shaky breath. As I start to open, both of his hands move something across my mouth, popping it in once I’m wide enough. I feel metal clink against my teeth, settling in behind them. My tongue immediately inspects the foreign object and it’s a ring inside of my mouth, propping my jaw open....a gag.

My breathing intensifies as James fastens straps on the back of my head, leaving this thing in my mouth. My body is swaying forward and backward, trying to control my breathing and focus on calming down.

I feel him get off of the bed and I look side to side trying to follow him. It's no use trying to see what he is doing, I can't see him half of the time. So, I let my head fall back as I look at the ceiling. I noticed when I was trying to follow him, my saliva would spill out of my mouth. So, I'll stay like this until my punishment is over.

I feel James drape something over the tops of my calf muscles. It’s rope. He wraps it around one calf and pulls my leg out wide, tying it to the side of the bed. My arms are strained and I continue to breathe erratically. He does the same to my other leg, pulling it out as wide as it’ll go, and tying it to the side of the bed. I feel like I’m in one of those human stretching machines.

I can’t even sway my body back or forth. I can breathe, but my body is not giving in any direction.

I feel James come up behind me again. He grabs my waist, caressing me and feeling all over until his hands venture down where they need to be. This whole experience has me aroused and anxious, dying to see where he is taking me. His hands feel down my legs, up between them, brushing over my lingerie and pressing his fingers between my lips, feeling them in deep and rubbing up over my clit. I close my eyes, arching back against him, and take a long deep breath. He leans away though, not letting me get the help, and pulls on my lingerie.

“These won’t do,” he says.

When I hear a snap of a knife open, it makes my body jerk. I open my eyes, trying to look around at what he is doing. His left hand pulls off the front of my thong away from my body. His other hand brings his knife down, pressing the flat end against my front pelvic area. The sensation sends my heartbeat into palpitations and my breathing picks up once again. I moan and tears start to sting my eyes when he shushes me.

“Careful sweety, move too fast and it may bite.”

I still my body for him. He moves the knife away from me, cutting the thong and releasing it from my body. He wraps his arms around me, caressing my body with his hands, feeling my hips, my torso, my chest, and back down to my inner thighs, pulling my lower half into his.

When he pulls away, my body slacks. But before he gets too far, he holds my thong in the air beside my head, high enough that I can see them. He lets out a sigh and proceeds to speak to me,

“I was hoping the last few minutes would leave you wet for me. Looks like we are both having a good time."

Of course, I’m aroused, this shit drives me insane, in an erotic, demented sort of way. I was wet the minute he kidnapped me out of the last club.

He bunches up what’s left of my thong, holding it next to my face as he leans in and whispers,

“Hold onto these for me sweety. I want you to remember who is yours and yours only. And only I can make you feel this way. But I can also take it away. Obey me, and I’ll reward you.”

As I blink in agreement, a tear falls from one eye and I take a deep breath. He wads up the thong tighter, pressing it into my mouth. I gasp and my body jerks. I start blinking uncontrollably and James speaks again,

“Spit these out and I’ll tape that pretty mouth of yours shut.”

At his words, I slow my breathing and find a way for my tongue to settle the thong to the roof of my mouth instead of impulsively trying to push it away.

James leaves the bed, walking to another part of the room, making more noise. For fuck sake, what else could he possibly humiliate me with tonight?

When I hear him plop something on the bed, my body tenses. He comes up to kneel behind me again. I feel his hands between my legs. Pressing them between my lips, rubbing them over and over, pulling wetness from them up to my clit. When I feel the pressure between my lips again, I feel there is something bigger pressing into my cunt that is no longer his fingers.

He presses it in a few times. In and out, it feels like it has bumps all over it. It isn’t something smooth that’s for sure.

He pushes it in deep one more time and my body arches, and my head falls back as I take a deep breath. It feels so good as deep as it is. When he pulls it back out, he rubs it back along my hole. My eyes dart open and my breathing picks up again. His free hand comes up around my torso, caressing along my breasts and back down my front, settling against my clit. He starts to rub it in circles, allowing my eyes to close again at the sensation. He brings the toy back to my cunt, pressing it in deep again. I moan at the pressure and he pulls it out again, rubbing it back along my hole. He still massages my clit with his other hand and whispers in my ear.

“I need you to relax sweety, can you do that for me?”

At the request, it all adds up in my head. Whatever he is self-lubing up, is about to go in my ass. My breathing picks up again and his hand over my clit presses down, making me arch my torso forward.

My eyes are open, blinking rapidly, awaiting my punishment as I feel pressure at my hole. He presses against it and my body tenses. I take a deep breath at the thought of him asking me to relax my body, and I hear him in my ear again,

“Relax, Del.”

The sound of him calling my name relaxes me. I take a few more deep breaths and relax my body.

I blink again and still my body. At the change in energy, he presses the object against my hole again and applies pressure. His other hand grips into my cunt, distracting my body from the sensations in my hole. My body starts to accept the object and James continues to encourage me. He pushes the object in, pulls it out slightly, and pushes it in again. Over and over until the object is in.

I take a deep breath and open my eyes, searching for James to congratulate me. When his hand over my clit leaves, it comes up to my chest and he whispers in my ear again.

“That’s one sweety, two more to go.”

At his words, I chuckle a whine, and tears sting my eyes. His hand leaves my chest and finds the home to my cunt. He rubs his fingers down below me, rubbing and pressing over everything, making me feel good inside. Not for long though, he starts another session of pushing in and out of my hole. He manages to get all of the balls in. It felt like anal balls on a stick. I feel all of them inside of me. It feels different. The pain starts to subside and suddenly things feel good inside.

When my body calms down, James leaves me, grabbing a seat beside the bed.

What? That was it?! That’s what he put me through just to sit there and stare at me?

My arms are asleep, my legs feel like they can’t hold me up. I’m pretty sure they aren’t, I’m hanging from my wrists.

I hear James clear his throat as he pulls out his phone. I watch him, my breathing is deep as I’m frustrated from these activities. I’m still anxious though…what’s next?

“You see sweety. Tonight was very aggravating for me. You went out, twerked on some guys' vaginas, drank drinks bought for you from other men, and let’s not forget letting that slut try to kiss you in the hallway of the girl's bathroom. What’s her name? Steph? Anyway, after that, I had enough. So, I’m going to let you cum over and over, all over yourself. You're torture, my pleasure. Maybe you’ll understand how aggravating you've been to me the last few hours.”

Oh, my, God. Steph is my best fucking friend. If we are wasted who fucking cares if we might lock lips….wasted off our asses. It’s what girls do!

At the thought, my entire body jerks and convulses at the sensation in my ass. I moan and whine, as the vibration intensifies. My head fell back, taking deep, erratic breaths. My body started to rock back and forth, creating a rhythm in hopes of settling down the feeling, but of course, it continued, on high.

I am moaning again, feeling warmth and tingling butterflies creeping up to my clit. I feel like I’m about to cum, moaning in longer tones, and my body tensed. Right as my head falls back, James turns the vibration off.

I whimper, taking deep breaths again, as my body slacks. I hear James speak again,

“I will turn this on again. You will then cum for me as I'll allow it. And once you do, I'll leave the vibrator on. You'll spend the evening dripping in your pleasure."

I blink a few times and tears fall out of my eyes. I feel warmth down below and moan in recognition of my punishment. And with that, my ass is vibrating again.

My body jerks back and forth. Moaning, whining, and taking deep breaths as my body feels the sensations about to send me into my grave by the end of this night. My clit tingles and the lower part of my body feels like electricity when it takes me over. The vibration feels like it runs into my cunt, up into my clit, letting out shocks as I cum. My body jerks back and forth with the release.

As I start to calm down, James doesn’t turn off the vibrator. My body is erratic. I turn to him, and all I see is a smile on his face. I let out a breath and tilt my head back, looking up at the ceiling. James stands up and walks over to me. Just as I feel warmth spilling down my legs, his hand reaches to my inner thigh, rubbing up along the wetness. His fingers stop at my lips and he presses in. I moan and jerk at the sensation and already feel like I’ll cum again. He pulls his fingers out, leaving me empty, and slaps his fingers against my lips and clit. The sting makes me scream and my body jerks into orgasm again. I thrust back and forth, screaming a moan over and over until my body calms down.

James brings his wet-fingered hand up to my breasts, gripping them and pinching one of the tits. I arch my head away and moan again in a tired, exhausted way. I blink my eyes rapidly as tears are still burning my eyeballs.

As I tilt my head over to look at James, he lets go of my breasts and leans his head into mine. His mouth sets next to my ear as he whispers,

“It’s going to be a long night sweety. I was aggravated, watching you for hours. I might just keep you tied up here for that long.”

I let out a sigh, pulling my head away from him, accepting my fate. I stare up at the ceiling, feeling the lower part of my body having a seizure. I close my eyes, letting out a moan. When I think my body is accepting the sensation, the vibration changes to a gradual climb. From a low vibration, rising to a high vibration, sending my hips forward and back.

My body moves like a wave. The vibration lessens, then rises as high as it can go. Once the vibration is high again, it stays high and starts pulsing rapidly. The sensation creates electricity through my clit like explosions, and I’m screaming. Jerking my body back and forth. The electricity takes over and my body twitches into orgasm. My breathing is just as short and quick as the pulses in my ass.

After what feels like an hour, the vibration stops. I take deep breaths, regaining my body. But, James doesn't let up. He turns the vibration on again.

I scream and moan. This is going to be a long night.


Desirable Affection

Self  Published

Self  Operated
Self  Imagination

Anastasia Tyler

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